Wednesday, December 03, 2003

I am at work. what a complete opposite tonight is from last night. last night i would not have had even the time let alone the composure to have sat down and written in this thing. this is the kind of night that i can handle. maybe that makes me weak, i don't know. anyway, so much craziness.
I got your letter yesterday, right before work and oh, i wanted to cry. the things i make people believe sometimes. oh i must be a bad friend.
i love people, i can't live without people, especially my people. at the same time I hate people too. here at work i am beginning to get more and more annoyed with the attitudes of those i work with. either they are just pure lazy, or they sit around and gossip. people gossip so much here and I hate it. why can't they talk about meaningful, interesting things instead of sticking their noses into everyone else's private affairs and then telling the world about it. well...that will never change. sad really.
must get back to work now. i am so happy i am off tomorrow.


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