Friday, November 21, 2003

phew! well I just finished the third of three nights in a row and now I am so hyped to be off that I don't want to go to bed. I know that once I sit here for a while though I will start getting tired. I am just so happy to be off though! Off two days then on two days then.....YAY GR, here I come!!!!!!!!!! I am so looking forward to it I can't even explain how much!
So anyway, this weekend my roomies and I and some other people are gonna go to this place called Enchanted Rocks. I guess that there are some really cool big rocks and caves and stuff so we are gonna make a day of it and go out there and have fun. It should be nice.
hmmm...okay, well I am gonna go to bed now so that I can get up at a decent hour and go running and ya know...good things like that.


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