Saturday, December 13, 2003

i shall attempt to write an entry again. I was writing one yesterday and I lost it again. I was so frustrated that I just didn't bother writing another. it's saturday morning, I am off. I have so much christmas shopping to do it is not even funny. I feel the need to exercise. I have been slacking and I feel fat. well mostly i think because girl disease should be starting anytime now and that just makes you feel fat and it isn't right and it isn't fair. I think my boobs have grown to twice their normal size. okay, i know thats gross, but does that ever happen to anyone else. it really bothers me. they're big enough already!
so...leaving that subject behind. i must decide if i am doing christmas cards or not. i want to, but i always wait too long. hmmm, such a procrastinator. and here i am still slacking, writing in my journal rather than doing stuff i should be. there's no hope for me i think. my roommate jen, is writing her christmas cards and we are listening to Jewel sing christmas music.
I am off for one more blessed night and then the misery and despair begins once again. oh okay. I will try not to think about it yet.
Jen and I cooked spaghetti and meatballs last night and then we watched Pirates of the Carribean! I just had to see my man again. he is so sexy! ha ha.
okay, must go do something.

Song of the day...Jewel, Silent Night...cause its playing right now...and its peaceful and calming :)


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