Monday, January 05, 2004

Well here it is 2004! A brand new year. It is actually really funny how we feel like we have this new fresh start to things when in actuality it is just one more year in a whole string of years that make up one life, but anyway, it is a nice feeling that maybe you do have a chance to start fresh with things. And it is a good time to decide to change things that need changing although realistically it would be good to have the discipline to revise things like that as soon as one realized a problem existed. Anyway, I am super happy that it is a new year and I am looking forward to the unknown things that this new year will hold and have to offer.
Started the new year off with a great time in New Orleans! My first time there and I loved it! I had a great time! What a fun-loving, laid back city it is! Now it is back to the reality of work and earning a living. What drudgery!
My car decided to go and give me problems again this morning. I think that the clutch has finally gone. Either that or the clutch cable has broken. I am not sure, but something is not right cause I can't get the thing into gear, or at least not very easily. So I have called the transmission place and a tow truck is coming to pick up my little cherry bomb. I am just hoping that it is something simple to fix and won't cost me an inordinant amount. Oh well, I am just extremely thankful that it did not decide to do this while I was driving to or from Dallas this past vacation. That would have been bad. Regardless I have now signed up for AAA because I have been meaning to do it and the next time something happens I don't want to be without it. Hmmm, yeah!
So anyway, I have to go to work tonight. I am hoping that it will be a good night. The past two nights I worked were decent so we shall see.

Song of the day...Good Indian Girls, from Monsoon Wedding soundtrack (Jen got it for me for Christmas!:)


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