Saturday, January 17, 2004

so i just got back from seeing Mona Lisa Smile. What a great movie. I liked it. Now what i really want to talk about is how aghast I am at our society. I mean i already know it's bad, but sometimes things just shock me out of my state of numb immunity and into a state of awareness. As we were leaving the movie we saw these two girls and I am telling you they could not have been more than 8 or 10 years old. They were together(alone) at the movie we had just seen. They were both wearing jeans, you know the normal style of today, low cut, flare leg, and then they were both wearing sexy looking tops. I mean the kind of things you would see adult woman wearing to a club. They both had cleavage much too prounounced for girls of that age and size, they had their hair styled and were wearing jewelry and carrying those little armpit purses. I could not take my eyes off of them, and could not get the disgust out of my head and the sickness out of my stomach. How do any parents with any brains in their heads let their daughters dress like that at that age, much less let them out of the house and to a movie BY THEMSELVES, dressed like that. I cannot fathom it. And people wonder why children are getting pregnant and why kids know all about everything their is to know EXCEPT what it means to be a kid. Oh man, it just makes me so sad and depressed.


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