Friday, January 23, 2004

so i have come down with a cold of some sort. sore throat, headache, general feeling of unwellness...i called in sick to work last night, but I am going to go and try to brave things out tonight. I don't feel too terribly bad and I am hoping that the rest and chicken soup and vitamins and orange juice, etc. have helped to maybe nip things in the bud. i would really much rather not go to work at all, but well that isn't really a choice.
So last night jen and i watched Once Upon a Time in Mexico. It is out on video now. I loved Desperado, and this new one is good too. Johnny Depp...what can i say. he is just the funniest guy ever. I get this feeling that when he acts in movies he is just being himself pretty much. He always has a quirky part, and that makes me think he's a quirky guy, and I love him. anyway, nothing much else to talk about. I am going to lie down for a bit before work I think. just to make sure I have had plenty of rest.


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