Tuesday, January 27, 2004

i just completed running 2.07 miles, doing 2 sets of pushups and two sets of crunches. it is amazing how good that makes you feel. I have been trying to get back in the routine of doing that, but since I got this cold I took a little break from it, but tonight I was feeling well enough to start up again. I just completed two nights of work and I have three nights off! Life is wonderful! ha ha. it is amazing how happy you get when you are finally off. It almost makes work worth it. Working just for the high one gets on days off. hmmm...i think there is a ghost in the apartment with me. I keep hearing noises and movement as if someone is here, but it is only me. My roommate is out. hmmm...ghosts.
The thought of ghosts is quite intriguing really. what of ghosts? when I think of them I always automatically jump to the conclusion that they don't exist, but i have never really considered the possibility that they might actually be real. why is that? because from the very earliest days of my life i have been told by others around me that they are not real. does that make it true though? why couldn't there be ghosts? spirits? i personally think they do exist, though perhaps not in the way of peoples spirits roaming around and haunting things, but spirits around us. good and bad. of course there is always the biblical support...angels and demons. what are they if not spirits. is there a difference between the meanings of the word spirit and the word ghost. i have to run and look that up.................
spirit: 1) vital animating essence of a person or animal; soul. 2) ghost.
ghost:1) supposed apparition of a dead person or animal; disembodied spirit. 2) shadow or mere semblence.
so it looks like the difference is that a ghost is always a disembodied spirit whereas a spirit can either be embodied or disembodied. maybe...anyway, somehow it seems like ghost has a more negative association than that of spirit.
what do y'all think about ghosts?
i just watched What Dreams May Come. Very interesting movie. Also recently watched Vanilla Sky...another very interesting movie. hmmm. i watch a lot of movies these days. maybe i should cut back.

Song of the day...Southern Girl, Erykah Badu


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