The good old Atlantic!

I took a trip to the beach today. My first time there since I have moved here. There is always something so refreshing about going to the beach. I often wish that I had grown up near the water. There is a whole realm of recreation and a whole different lifestyle that goes along with coastal life. I am envious too of having the ability to just go have a quick dip in the ocean whenever you want to. Plus that natural continual tan that people who live by the water have. Ah well. I was able to enjoy it today anyway, and maybe someday I will live next to the ocean. I drove out there this morning and spent the afternoon lying out, reading, writing, taking pictures and of course swimming. I definitely managed to get myself burned even though I put sunscreen on at least part of my body. oh well, it seems that sunburn can't be avoided when one goes to the beach. The thing that is really gonna suck is work tomorrow. It is so hot in that building and the cross between the heat and the irritation of clothes on sunburn is gonna suck. Even the tops of my feet got burned. Oh dear!
So I have been negligent with this blog again. I wanted to write an entry on my birthday, but well, I don't know what happened with that. The day came and went and it was just like any other and I don't feel any different so whats the big deal. I guess that turning 25 is kind of a big thing though. Basically meaning that you are getting old. And that if you haven't figured out what you are doing with your life yet, ya better get on with it cause you'll only be deteriorating from here on out. yeah, so anyway...nothing too exciting going on around here otherwise. Just workin' and lazin around. Speaking of which I have to work tomorrow and I need to wash a load of clothes so I guess I better get going on that.
Song of the Day: The Stanley Brothers - (Say) Won't You Be Mine