me and my sister on the long island railroad in nyc!

My family spent Christmas in New York, on Long Island where my bro is living now. I haven't written in this blog for a very long time. Stuff happens, continues to happen. I feel uninspired to write. I am now living in Michigan, and took a job in a hospital here. I will be learning all about cardiac nursing since I will be working on a med/surg telemetry floor. It is exciting to me to an extent, but I am nervous to be starting over again at a job. It is my first day on the floor in the morning and I am a little stressed out. Well maybe i should say alot stressed out. It is just me and my thoughts and that doesn't make it any better at all. I should just go to sleep.
Yer a smart and talented girl and a great nurse. Chill baby. I'd let you take care of me anyday.
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