the thing is that for a long time now i guess that either i haven't had anything really worth writing about or i just haven't been inspired to write. i am going to make a lame attempt at at least posting something because otherwise what is the use of me having this blog, and i just keep thinking of the poor friends that still faithful come checking to see if maybe, just possibly i might have written something(that is if there is still anyone left still checking)
i think i need to do something new with my life, I am just not sure what. I will of course be moving in April, but aside from being in a new location, I need to find things for myself to do other than just the routine things of life such as working, eating, sleeping, etc. What is it that i want to do though? I can't figure it out. I think that i would like to learn a language fluently and I would like to get involved in some kind of organized activity with other people, such as a sport of some kind. Perhaps soccar, or actually i would really love getting involved in some kind of a crew team again. I think that I really miss the social aspect of school. being always in contact with so many other people(whether i wanted to be or not). Now i am in contact with my co-workers, most of whom i would rather not be in contact with and other than that there is my roommate, and my friend who is also a co-worker, but works the opposite shift from me. I get bored with the same old thing and I want to meet more people. the problem is that I make these resolves but my nature is such that when I start something, I never, or rarely ever finish it. so one moment i might be all excited to get involved in some group thing, or some organization, but then the next moment i will be feeling totally anti-social and won't want to have anything to do with people at all. and since I never know which way i will feel, i always think it would be no use for me to get involved in something regular because half the time i probably wouldn't want to go anyway. I know, its all very strange. I think i shall have to try some new things when i move.
i have been thinking lately of all the friends i have spread throughout the world and how hard it is, but yet how easy it should be, to keep in touch. time just passes right by and before i know it a year has passed since i have spoken to any given one. it isn't that i don't think of you all. it just seems our lives are all so far from each other these days, and we all get caught up in our own little part of the world and can't keep connected. or maybe just i am that way. however it is, it makes me sad. I want to be in every place that each of you are. I want to be involved in your lives and be able to have face to face conversations. why can't i be in a hundred different places at the same time.
anyway, i guess that i am really quite tired now. just getting over being sick, and haven't been getting my sleep like i should. i really should go to bed. i'll try to write again before another 6 months passes me by.
latest favorite cd: t.a.t.u. 200km/h in the wrong lane
learned of its existance through my sister. thanx emily
i think i need to do something new with my life, I am just not sure what. I will of course be moving in April, but aside from being in a new location, I need to find things for myself to do other than just the routine things of life such as working, eating, sleeping, etc. What is it that i want to do though? I can't figure it out. I think that i would like to learn a language fluently and I would like to get involved in some kind of organized activity with other people, such as a sport of some kind. Perhaps soccar, or actually i would really love getting involved in some kind of a crew team again. I think that I really miss the social aspect of school. being always in contact with so many other people(whether i wanted to be or not). Now i am in contact with my co-workers, most of whom i would rather not be in contact with and other than that there is my roommate, and my friend who is also a co-worker, but works the opposite shift from me. I get bored with the same old thing and I want to meet more people. the problem is that I make these resolves but my nature is such that when I start something, I never, or rarely ever finish it. so one moment i might be all excited to get involved in some group thing, or some organization, but then the next moment i will be feeling totally anti-social and won't want to have anything to do with people at all. and since I never know which way i will feel, i always think it would be no use for me to get involved in something regular because half the time i probably wouldn't want to go anyway. I know, its all very strange. I think i shall have to try some new things when i move.
i have been thinking lately of all the friends i have spread throughout the world and how hard it is, but yet how easy it should be, to keep in touch. time just passes right by and before i know it a year has passed since i have spoken to any given one. it isn't that i don't think of you all. it just seems our lives are all so far from each other these days, and we all get caught up in our own little part of the world and can't keep connected. or maybe just i am that way. however it is, it makes me sad. I want to be in every place that each of you are. I want to be involved in your lives and be able to have face to face conversations. why can't i be in a hundred different places at the same time.
anyway, i guess that i am really quite tired now. just getting over being sick, and haven't been getting my sleep like i should. i really should go to bed. i'll try to write again before another 6 months passes me by.
latest favorite cd: t.a.t.u. 200km/h in the wrong lane
learned of its existance through my sister. thanx emily