The Capitol Building-Raleigh NC

I spent the day yesterday exploring some of the downtown Raleigh area as I had not gone there yet. It was very nice. Not too cityish, but not just town either. I suppose that I might compare it somewhat in feeling to Austin. Though I think it is not quite as big. Anyway, I went to the capitol building and explored around through there. Went to the Natural Science Museum and saw that, then I was just walking through the streets to see what there was to see and came upon the art festival. They were having this big Artsplosion festival and they had all these booths with different things, paintings, photographs, sculptures, clothing, jewelry, etc. Some of it was very nice. Then there were of course all the food booths, as well as live music. It was interesting. I wandered around there for a while and then headed back home. It is really interesting to me. I have been doing all these things for the first time by myself and I am actually really enjoying it. I can wander around through a museum for instance, see what I want to see and leave, or stay, however long I choose. No one else to consider. But then when I have something to say about something there is no one there to say it to. So there are good things and bad about it I guess. The other night I went out to eat by myself for the first time. I had never actually done that before, where I actually went and sat down in a restaurant for dinner. It was really fun. One of the funner things I have done so far. People look at you strange and wonder I suppose, and I just sat and relaxed, had my dinner and read my book. It was very nice. I enjoyed the fact that I had the nerve to do something that a lot of people would be afraid to do. and for what? It can be very enjoyable. Why should you have to have someone with you to go out and eat. I mean people alone get just as hungry as people together don't they:)
I have completed reading another book and begun another. I am reading In Dubious Battle right now. It is good so far. I have always enjoyed Stienbeck. I got into conversation with the car dealer salesman who I bought my car from. He told me that he had done the whole travel around on a motorcycle thing and that he had written a book. He also likes to read, though hasn't been doing as much lately and so we were swapping recommendations. So i gave him a list of books to read and he recommended that I read some of Kurt Vonnegut so i might possibly look into reading some of his books next. He said I will be hooked once I start. Other than that I bought so previously viewed dvd's from the video store and when I came home to watch them found that there is some problem with the sound on my dvd player. So though I can still watch dvd's it sounds rather like some robot or something has gotten inside the sound. It is really bad. And quite annoying. If any of you computer savvy people know what the problem could be and how to fix it please let me know. I took it to Best Buy and had them look at it, but they were really no help at all. So I am not sure what the next step is. For now I guess it is go without movies. Well that's better anyway I suppose. I should be reading more than watching videos. And thats the update for the moment.
Song for the Day: Chopin-Valse Op 69, No 2
Hey ho, my lovely penpal! I wondered where you were, but have been scrambling around too much to keep track of my own self, let alone my friends... Email still the same?
hey amazing!! i have been thinking about you a lot, the past two days or so and it is just the craziest thing that whenever I do that, you appear somewhere. and of all places on my blog!!! crazy girl. I didn't know you even came here:) yes my email is still the same. I hope that you are doing okay. I will TRY to be in touch sometime soon. note: "try" is the key word;)
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