Emily and Sarah's adventure in Big Bend

the adventure was a success and Big Bend was incredible. There are so many different kinds of beauty in the world. Big Bend is certainly beautiful and awe inspiring despite the fact that it is a desolate and arid wilderness. The weather was amazing and we didn't escape without sunburns. The sun is unmerciful and there is really nowhere to go to escape it. really crazy in fact because the temperatures can go to such different extremes. so hot during the daytime, to freezing cold during the night. I found myself welcoming the warmth of the sunrise in the morning, and welcoming its receding heat with the sunset in the evening. being cut off from everything man made and immersed in nature, one learns just how much respect is due to nature and its forces. we are really small and insignificant in its vastness and unpredictability. I recommend the experience to anyone reading this.
Song for the day: Cat Stevens- Morning Has Broken
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