Tuesday, March 29, 2005

i saw Hotel Rwanda last night with one of my friends. what a disturbing, horrifying movie. so unbelievable how cold people can be. it was certainly eye opening. the part that really gets to me is when Paul says to the photo journalist guy(re: the footage of people being massacred) how can anyone see this and not help us. and the journalist replies that likely all that will happen is they will say, 'how terrible' and go on eating their dinners. That is so true. people who are far removed from a calamity and unaffected by the results often so easily just get on with their day or lives and do nothing. i think how often i have done the same thing. i may think, oh, i would really like to do something to help, but then get caught up in my own meaningless little life and forget all to easily the suffering that others may be going through.
how tragic that mankind is so inclined to such evil and that such attrocities have been allowed to occur over and over again throughout the history of our world. we are indeed a depraved species.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed my friend. And the worst part of it is...how many people actually think about it as such? I cannot even begin to fathom the reasoning and total lack of compassion that moves people to visit such atrocities on others. I am happy you were so moved...one more reason why you are so wonderful.

1:44 AM  

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